Portfolio Category: Just fun

Calendar 2017

NAME: HeyKiwi Calendar 2017 TYPE: Photography + Group project – HeyKiwi Personal project Nov.-Dec.2016 Tools: Photography, Illustrator, Creativity, Fun English description: After the success of HeyKiwi‘s Nice to fruit you calendar from the previous year, I’m happy to present the newest Calendar 2017. This time, as we are used to, we have played with the real and unreal […]


NAME: CoBall TYPE: Product Design + Group project University of Zaragoza Course 2015-16 Tools: Prototyping, User testing, Creativity, Electronics Description: CoBall is a product designed to help young or not so young flatmates to improve their life at home. Get on well with your flatmates can be funny! Most of the time, sharing a place can […]

HeyKiwi Blog

NAME: HeyKiwi blog TYPE: Personal project HeyKiwi 2015-2017 Tools: Blog, WordPress, Photography, Trends Description: Hey! Kiwi is a blog created in 2015 with the aim to show a new perspective of design. Its purpose is to let people discover new products, places and any other thing that inspires us. All these topics have something in common, […]